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导语: I just live by the ABCs : Adventurous , Brave , Creative .我是三有青年:有魄力,有勇气,有创造力。下面828啦小编为大家整理了《白日梦想家》经典台词希望大家喜欢

1. We can still build a life together .我们还是可以一起创造人生

2. When are you gonna take it ?你打算什么时候拍照?

3. Sometimes I don't .If I like a moment ...I mean ,me , personally ...I don't like to have the distraction of the camera .Just want to stay in it .有时候我不拍 。如果我很喜欢某个时刻,我是说,就我个人而言……我不喜欢相机让我分心。我只想沉浸在那一刻 。

4. I was saying ,you know who looks good in a beard ?Dumbledore ,not you .我说,你知道谁留大胡子好看吗 ?邓布利多,但你留大胡子很逊 。

5. More than a million ,way more ,negatives have come through my office ,I have never mislaid one .我处理过的底片成百上千,从没印错过一个 。

6. Beautiful things don't ask for attention . 美好的东西从来不会寻求关注。

7. To see the world, things dangerous to come to ,To see behind walls ,To draw closer ,To find each other and to feel .That is the purpose of LIFE .开拓视野,冲破艰险,洞悉所有,贴近生活,寻找真爱,感受彼此 。这就是人生的目的 。

8. I always save your knick-knacks .我一直保存着你的小摆设 。

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