


Closed doors are not necessarily a dead end.We can open a window forvourselves to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

译文: 门被关上不一定没出路了。我们自己可以为自己打开一扇窗,呼吸新鲜空气,享受阳光。

Life is never really desperate. Those people who feel not hopeful about themselves will be

beaten. Only open the window of struggle and smile in the face of life can we see tomorrow’s sunshine.

译文: 生活从来不是令人绝望的。那些自己感到绝望的人将被生活打败。我们唯有打开挣扎之窗微笑面对生活,才能看到明天的阳光。

Barack Obama once said: if there is a God in the world he can only

help us if we are changing ourselves. Yes, as long as we walk out of the shadow of failure, when God closes a door ,he also opens a window. Don’t give up. Don’t bring today’s clouds to tomorrow’s road.

译文: 奥巴马曾经说过: 如果世上有上帝的话,只有我们自己改变的时候,上帝才会帮助我们。是的,只要我们走出失败的阴影,当上帝关上一扇门时,他才会给我们打开一扇窗。不要放弃,不要把今天的不愉快带到明天的路上。

Remember,in the course of life, when a door is closed ,try to open

a window for youtself, to open a new chapter of life and then there will be a beautiful view in front of

another village waiting for you.

译文: 记住,在人生的过程中,当一扇门关了,自己要努力去为自己打开一扇窗,去为自己打开人生的新篇章。柳暗花明又一村的美景在等待着你!

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